Let's get acquainted
Hello, my name is Anna Tihomirova. I am a licensed professional counselor with 15 years of experience, specializing in trauma therapy, particularly for women with absent fathers and rejection trauma. I am a board-approved supervisor with a passion for helping people from diverse backgrounds.
I am the founder of the Center for Mindful Counseling PLLC, providing therapy and supervision while helping individuals overcome life challenges. I also have experience conducting evaluations for immigration cases. I hold an active license in Florida, Virginia, and Texas.
Основатель Центра осознанного консультирования PLLC, предоставляющего терапию и супервизию, одновременно помогая людям
преодолевать жизненные трудности. Опыт проведения оценок для иммиграционных дел. Действующая лицензия во Флориде, Вирджинии и Техасе.
Over 15 years of experience
Active licenses in three states: Virginia, Florida, and Texas
An immigrant background, offering my full understanding and empathy in every situation
Highly effective reports ranging from 12 to 20 pages, providing detailed insights for officers about your challenges
Timely evaluations within 3-4 weeks with prompt communication
Timely assessments within 3-4 weeks with quick communication
I am available and always ready to help! Contact me via WhatsApp or email